
Quality launderettes in Hayward's Heath and Burgess Hill

Progress Launderette have a selection of washing machines that make short work of your laundry.

Our machines provide a much faster wash time than domestic washing machines. Our standard machines, which are double the size of a domestic machine, will wash a full load in only 22 minutes and our super large machines have a washing time of 31 minutes.

We don't provide washing detergents or conditioners, but if you haven't brought your own, there are shops nearby who stock both. Washing powders are recommended for our machines for a better performance, but liquid or tablets can also be used.

Our current launderette prices:

  • Standard washing machines £4.00 per load
  • Large load washing machines £5.00 per load
  • Super large loads £6.00 per load
  • Fast commercial driers £1.00 per 15 minutes

To find out our opening hours, please click Hayward's Heath or Burgess Hill
Commercial driers - Burgess Hill, Hayward's Heath, Surrey - Progress Launderette - Drier Machine
We have washing machines to suit your requirements. Call in to one of our shops or telephone
01444 461 003
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